VeryChess - 2023 November Rapid - Group A

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VeryChess - 2023 November Rapid - Group A

Post by Terry »

As a lot of other players I have a question - what the best engine (engines) on my PC is the best?

Why it is important to have own evaluating?
All the test I found have on specific:
- Specific hardware, which I have no at all.
- No specified hardware at all (Chess.COM competition - what hardware they use?)
- Engines I can't get, so why I should care about them?
- Too short or too long controls

It is good if engine cool on some powerful PC/CPU, I have no it. I need best engine on my home hardware, and in my case it is Mac Mini M2.
So I have started own tournaments. I got more than 80 engines which I can run on my Mac, did a lot of tournaments to range all of them. Finally I have created Super Leagues, 1st League and 2nd League, and then did tournaments for Super League of the most powerful engines I got.

Tournament format:
- Round Robin, 4 games for pair with swap sides
- 5 minutes a game + 3 seconds for a move
- Using openings
- up to 2 CPU cores for each engine
- 256 MB Hash size

My Tournament results:

Code: Select all

Cross table:
  #  name                          score   games         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10        11        12        13        14        15
  1. Stockfish 16                   42.0      56         x      ====      ====      1===      ==1=      ==11      1===      1=11      =1=1      11==      1=1=      11=1      1111      1111      11=1
  2. Stockfish 15.1                 41.5      56      ====         x      ====      ====      =1==      1=1=      ====      ===1      1=1=      =111      1=1=      1111      1111      1111      1111
  3. Fat Fritz 2                    40.0      56      ====      ====         x      ====      =1==      ====      1===      1111      1=1=      =111      =1=1      1=1=      1=11      =111      11=1
  4. Berserk 11.1                   36.5      56      0===      ====      ====         x      ====      ====      1===      =111      1=1=      =1=1      ====      =1=1      1=1=      1=1=      1111
  5. RubiChess 20230407 (neon)      35.5      56      ==0=      =0==      =0==      ====         x      ====      =1==      =1=1      ==1=      ==1=      01=1      1111      11==      1=1=      1111
  6. Koivisto 9.0                   35.0      56      ==00      0=0=      ====      ====      ====         x      0===      =11=      ==11      ==1=      1=11      1111      1=1=      11=1      1=1=
  7. Lc0 v0.29.0+git.dirty          32.0      56      0===      ====      0===      0===      =0==      1===         x      =1=0      1===      ===1      ==1=      ====      1=1=      =111      11=1
  8. Halogen 11                     26.0      56      0=00      ===0      0000      =000      =0=0      =00=      =0=1         x      ==1=      ====      =1=1      11=1      ==11      11==      ===1
  9. Viridithas 8.1.0               24.5      56      =0=0      0=0=      0=0=      0=0=      ==0=      ==00      0===      ==0=         x      ==1=      1=0=      1=0=      =1==      1=11      ===1
 10. Komodo 14                      23.5      56      00==      =000      =000      =0=0      ==0=      ==0=      ===0      ====      ==0=         x      1===      =1==      ==1=      1===      ==1=
 11. HIARCS 15.2                    23.0      56      0=0=      0=0=      =0=0      ====      10=0      0=00      ==0=      =0=0      0=1=      0===         x      1===      1===      ===1      ==1=
 12. Winter 2.0 SSE4.2              17.5      56      00=0      0000      0=0=      =0=0      0000      0000      ====      00=0      0=1=      =0==      0===         x      1===      1=10      ==1=
 13. Stash v34.0                    17.0      56      0000      0000      0=00      0=0=      00==      0=0=      0=0=      ==00      =0==      ==0=      0===      0===         x      ====      11=1
 14. pawn 1.0                       14.5      56      0000      0000      =000      0=0=      0=0=      00=0      =000      00==      0=00      0===      ===0      0=01      ====         x      ==11
 15. Counter 5.0                    11.5      56      00=0      0000      00=0      0000      0000      0=0=      00=0      ===0      ===0      ==0=      ==0=      ==0=      00=0      ==00         x
Some technical details of the games:

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Tech (average nodes, depths, time/m per move, others per game), counted for computing moves only, ignored moves with zero nodes:
  #  name                         nodes/m         NPS  depth/m   time/m    moves     time   #fails
  1. Stockfish 16                  12229K     1969813     49.7      6.2     81.4    505.2         
  2. Stockfish 15.1                22178K     3550669     50.7      6.2     83.3    520.3         
  3. Fat Fritz 2                   30943K     5099135     49.2      6.1     84.6    513.2         
  4. Berserk 11.1                  34492K     6305783     36.3      5.5    104.6    572.2         
  5. RubiChess 20230407 (neon)     35980K     5427455     36.4      6.6     74.9    496.8         
  6. Koivisto 9.0                  33770K     5789046     37.3      5.8     95.6    557.6         
  7. Lc0 v0.29.0+git.dirty            67K       10751      8.8      6.2     85.4    532.8        1
  8. Halogen 11                    41616K     6580212     31.2      6.3     81.9    518.2         
  9. Viridithas 8.1.0              14994K     2679851     28.4      5.6     78.0    436.6         
 10. Komodo 14                     36823K     6208955     35.6      5.9     84.2    499.2         
 11. HIARCS 15.2                    9316K     1582063     26.0      5.9     80.1    471.7         
 12. Winter 2.0 SSE4.2             17305K     2601970     31.6      6.7     72.3    481.0         
 13. Stash v34.0                   55994K     8939063     39.9      6.3     80.3    502.9         
 14. pawn 1.0                      35923K     5685854     33.9      6.3     81.2    513.0         
 15. Counter 5.0                    6105K      988014     21.3      6.2     85.2    526.2         
     all ---                       25412K     4264102     34.5      6.1     83.5    509.8        1
All the games are in PGN, so can be provided to everybody who need it.
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Re: VeryChess - 2023 November Rapid - Group A

Post by Tibono2 »

Hi Terry,

welcome to this forum. Your approach looks consistent, and thanks for sharing your results.
Have fun!
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